Exam Preparation Course
GCSE English Course
The English course will focus on literature and language (via alternate blocks).
At Teachitright we will be covering both GCSE English Literature and GCSE English Language. The English Literature syllabus focuses on ‘classic literature’ and ‘substantial whole texts in detail’, taken from the following categories:
- Shakespeare
- 19th century novel
- Selection of poetry since 1789, including Romantic poetry
- Fiction or drama from the British Isles from 1914 onwards
Course Structure
We teach in blocks of 6 weeks, the first 4 weeks purely covers content, in addition on the 5th week the students sit an assessment that covers the work covered previously. On the 6th week we recap the assessment and provide feedback and next steps for our students.
The new English GCSE format
Students will be examined in two key components:
Reading (50%)
- Literal and inferential comprehension: Students will be expected to ‘read between the lines’ and spot differences between what is stated and what is potentially meant. The other skill required is understanding what is implied by a word in the context that it is used.
- Critical reading: To gain a deeper meaning from the texts by understanding the writer’s social/historical context to inform evaluation. Pupils will also need to support/oppose a point of view or make an informed personal response by referring to evidence in the given text.
- Comparing texts: Students will compare both seen and unseen texts for theme, characterisation, context, style and literacy quality.
Writing (50%)
- Students will be expected to write effectively to suit different purposes or audiences. They may be required to: instruct, explain, narrate, give and respond to information and debate. Pupils must select the appropriate vocabulary, grammar, form and structure. Coherence and consistency must be maintained throughout their responses.
- Writing for impact: Students will be required to cite from the text to support their views. Organising and emphasising key facts and ideas is also an important skill to demonstrate. Persuasive language should be used to create an emotional impact.
- 20 – 25 % is awarded for making comparison with unseen texts. This emphasises the importance of students reading and analysing a wide range of texts and genres.
- 5% is given for vocabulary choices, sentence structure, spelling skills and good use of punctuation.
The assessment of Reading and Writing must be by 100% examination.
Speaking and Listening assessment will be
given a 0% weighting
50% of the total marks must be for Reading
50% of the total
marks must be for Writing
At TEACHITRIGHT we feel we can aid our students in meeting all these challenges.