Objectives of the Procedure
1. To ensure that a consistent and fair procedure is applied in all instances where a complaint or concern has been raised.
2. To ensure that all parents and students feel able to raise their concerns or complaints and are confident that Teachitright will endeavour to resolve issues professionally and fairly.
Teachitright aims to provide tuition to its students in a way that fully supports and develops individuals to enable them to achieve their full potential. From time to time, parents or students may have concerns relating to their time with Teachitright.
Teachitright is fully committed to responding to concerns and complaints as quickly and sensitively as possible, and this procedure aims to provide a framework in which both parties can work within.
Guiding Principles
- Teachitright would prefer that a concern is raised promptly and informally with the relevant tutor, as this will often lead to a quick resolution of a problem and will prevent the concern from becoming a more serious complaint.
- Parents and students will suffer no detriment as a result of raising a formal complaint.
- All complaints will be resolved as quickly as practicable and will be investigated thoroughly.
The Procedure
- All formal complaints must be set out in writing and sent to the Managing Director.
- Receipt of a formal complaint will be acknowledged within five working days and parents will be kept informed at all stages if the matter cannot be resolved immediately.
- The Managing Director will investigate the complaint personally or will arrange for another member of staff to conduct an investigation on his behalf.
- If the complaint is complicated, it may take some time to investigate, and parents will be informed of any delays.
- The nature of the complaint will determine whether the Managing Director (or other) will need to speak to those concerned, and whether it is necessary to discuss the matter on more than one occasion.
- If the complaint is upheld, Teachitright will offer a written explanation and if appropriate take action to resolve the matter / prevent the matter from occurring again.
- Teachitright will keep a record of all complaints that we are informed about, including:
– The nature of complaint
– The point at which the complaint was resolved
– Action taken to resolve the complaint. - Correspondence, statements and records relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential.
Ofsted Registered
Complaints records are kept for three years in line with Ofsted requirements.
If the complainant is not happy with the final decision made or wishes to contact a regulatory body before speaking to the management team, they can take their complaint directly to Ofsted.
Complaints made to Ofsted about a provider may be referred to the provider for investigation.
Ofsted Complaints Line: 0300 123 1231
Email address: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
Address: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD